Thursday, August 14, 2008

What's Your Function?

Jurassic 5 said it best: "you gots to get up on your vocab, you gots to have vocab!"

As far as we can tell, here are the words that Henry now says:

cereal, milk, green beans, apple, fruit, cheese, hot dog, yogurt, ice cream, spoon, cup, bib, bite, "big bite," all gone, hot, cool ("cooool"), like, see, lights, outside, playground, flowers ("flowies"), ball, baseball, football, basketball, golf, shoes, hat, pool ("pooool"), Elmo ("Belbo"), Grover, Big Bird, Count, Sesame Street ("shesh shtree"), one, two, three, yellow, purple, flippant, duckie, cow, doggie, cat, elephant, giraffe, horse, bird ("boid"…sort of sounds like Bugs Bunny or Humphrey Bogart), fishies, school, car, truck, train, bus, bike, airplane, crane, dig, ride, again, more, mine, please, thank you, mama, da da, grandpa, grandma, pop, gran gran, Daphne, Julep and baby.

Okay, so he doesn't really say "flippant"...but it's still a pretty good collection of words.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

He can say my name, too.