Henry has always used the word "achoo" for helicopter. We have no idea where it comes from, but whenever he sees a helicopter (and they're more common than you might think if you're not constantly on the lookout), he gets really excited and shouts "achoo!" So for Hanukkah, Aunt Suzi, Uncle Barry, Ryan and Jonathan got him a giant deluxe toy emergency helicopter. But apparently, he's recently learned that "achoo" is not the right word for such a vehicle...and we learned the probable reason for his convenient nickname: turns out, "helicopter" is just an incredibly hard word for an almost-two-year-old to say...
It took me a couple passes for this entry to sink in, because I was distracted by the copious drool.
Hey! I look at your blog all the time! I love it! We have one too. Check it out. We missed seeing y'all at Nate's funeral. Hope to see yall soon. lee ellen weathers
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